Personality is a highly fictionalized and misunderstood force in human nature. This limits improving as well as leaving disordered relationships.”

Psychological illiteracy is associated with losing hope, needless aggression, disturbed loyalties and questionable leadership.”

Primitive adults passively or aggressively oppose having their elite psychological certainty challenged by others. Primitive adults commonly hijack causal reasoning.”

Oppressing intellectual diversity, in declining relationships or media outlets, has elements of Fascist reasoning.”

Apart from marital status, maturing adults will spend some portion of their lives in each chapter of this book.”


Short Term Psychological Consultation with Individuals and Couples

Couples: Premarital Consultation, Marital and Relational Decline

Individuals: Depression, Anxiety, Adjustment Disorders, Complicated Grief, Divorce Recovery, Perfectionism, Overworking - Adult and Geriatric Services

George Withers, Ph.D.



University of Texas - B.A. 1973 Texas A&M University - Ph.D. 1982